Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Our Reaction...

 Our reaction to a situation literally gives us the power to change the situation itself… Have you ever heard that one? 
 I do believe in Ho'oponopono. The situation may not change, we change.

Which means we may experience people behaving in bizarre ways. Doing things that don't make sense or seem sane. People's insecurities,  hatreds, unhealed parts can be downright evil. We have all experienced the bullies who  act like they are completely innocent when they know they have agendas that make you wonder if they are mentally ill. Truth is some people are so spiritually ill they cannot behave better than they do. You don't have to keep those people in your life, sometimes they are attached to people you love. 
Sometimes they never were in your life, you experienced them through another, and it left you with that unfortunate energetic residue as a result of  them prying themselves into your atmosphere uninvited. 
 And it's okay, probably important even,  to recognize that those people that you love have made a choice to follow what makes them ill instead of what makes them whole.
Accept what your are being offered. And allow it to be. When you allow the bizarre behavior and circumstances to just be what they are eventually the tree bears it's fruit. No one can hide the true fruit of that which they are.

It takes the power out of the hands of those who pretend to offer peace and goodwill with ulterior motives. It doesn't matter if people weren't sincere as long as you are. It hurts when people are not who they show them self to be, but isn't that sort of a "thank you for the warning"?
 I think it is. People want to be better then they feel inside they are....and they're not often times spiritually aligned  to be able to achieve that goal. 

And I wonder sometimes if it is even a goal of theirs to really offer something truly good or if their agendas are so steeped with personal motives that they lose perspective on what can be the highest good for all involved. Some people's need to be loved runs so deep that they'll sacrifice the things they hold the dear in order to obtain security and guarantees, common ground, recognition, shared shattered selves. 
This can be hurtful to observe. It can be painful to be on the other end of this kind of behavior. It can be confusing to be on the other end of this kind of interaction.
 But what can you do?
 There is nothing that you can do.
 And I don't say that to sound hopeless.
I write it because there is so much more for you than hanging on to someones inconsistent and irrational behavior.
There is acceptance. Plain and Simple. Not very glittery, but true. 

 Often times to escape responsibility for their actions, people like this find a way to exit involvement with you because they cannot face themselves. 
They fused themselves to other broken people who have matched their past hurt.
 In some kind of wild abandon attempt to dig deep into their history they long for the very kind of hurt and connection they recognize from their unhappy past.
 They cannot recognize the goodness that you offer because they're seeking  approval for their brokenness from the broken. 
And that is all that is real for them.
 There is no way to mend this for them. 
They have to learn these lessons through their own mirrors.
 Unfortunately the endings of their attempts to revisit unhealthy relationships doesn't end in anything good.
 The only way to participate in a healthy way with their decision is to step away when you no longer can bring anything they recognize as good. 
Unfortunately this unstable behavior creates future karma. 
It may show up in your future, but you will not be fused to them as they may be to you.  They will be snagged, not you, seeking from you what they were not able to mend. Cross that bridge when it comes and pray for Grace.

 Be in peace with the fact that they are unwilling and unable to create a healing vibration between you. The only way to set yourself free, is to accept that some people do not behave in a very nice ways sometimes. And that is just that. No part of the goodness in your soul wants to be in partnership with this kind of behavior. And yet so often times in soul connections we hold space for people when it's long overdue to let go. It's important to know you deserve so much more.
I think we need to find a way to say thank you (and goodbye) inside ourselves to the people who truly can't be of benefit to you/us on our deepest levels. You deserve that. Everyone deserves to have experiences that reflect respect and honorable exchange of energy. 
Some are never going to be able to offer you that and it's okay to accept  it and it's necessary to move on. 
They weren't ever going to be able to do that for you. And life is going to bring the perfect situations to show you what you are inside and when people can't mirror that to you in the highest… the truth is, they have to leave.

Your soul doesn't want what they have to offer if it doesn't come in the way from them that seeks to align to the best part of you.
 Sometimes when people behave and bizarre ways, it sends us a message to look inside and own your right to Just Say NO!
 How much do you want things to be deeply right within your relationships.
 What does that mean? 
It means you never settle for dishonest interactions. You never settle for energetic connection simply because you thought you believed in the power of your connection to another person. It doesn't matter what form the relationship takes. It may not be love, it may be friendship. What matters, the integrity of the interaction. We need to be deeply honest with ourselves, what kind of qualities are we seeking? Hopefully the answer to this is not a heap of negative karma. 

Let go of the Eddie Haskels, the Bullies, the Tricksters, and Dragon ladies, the Egomaniacs and the Self Absorbed, the Finger Pointers and the Self Righteous meanies...
There is a lot of bad juju in the polarized world. Learn the art of taking your ball and going home when people refuse to be nice.
 It's ok.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Juicy Succulent Spring and Me

Vernal Goddess Ali
Pregnant with Grace
Bursting Juiciness

I can't help it..
Change is in the Air.
I feel it in my body.
I feel pregnant with New Life.
There is not child in my womb.
This is a Spiritual embryo in which I speak.
I have always all ways felt pregnant with New Life.
I never knew how to allow this sweetness to consume me.
I just rejected this feeling of fullness in the Past.
It overwhelmed me.
I pushed it out
inhaling it In...
I found the intense draw toward Embodiment

When you live outside yourSelf.
You live a Half Life.
It's no one's fault.
It just is.
It has been a life of just living right outside that feeling of
 fully connecting.
I had this issue with being pregnant because I associate pregnancy with harm and loss.
I remember loosing my children in childbirth.
I remember my children losing Me.
I remember so much pain and death associated
with this sacred union of Motherhood.
Presently, I am at Peace.
I will live many Moons again
Pregnant with Life.

My past so full of persecution.
I choose to experience the light and shadow fully.
How can you know this plane and not experience its extremes?
I feel no regret in this bold acceptance of the mission I feel I agreed to know experience that creates a sense of separation from Self and Source.
I am rich for courage of this chosen path.
And I am climbing up out of the abyss of all its implications.
My great wheel has turned.
The wheel of destiny where one decides love is the answer.
Love is the SOULution.

So I ask Divine Alignment to reorder Me.
I surrender to its molding.
I gladly embrace being shaped.
I know nothing I am or am becoming is anything less than what only divine order can gift me.

So I say
Source Shape Me
Mold Me
Wrap your life giving arms around me.
Lift me
Breath Me
Place Me
Surround Me
Ground Me
Design Me
Give Me Life
My body is bursting
I am ready.
I drink you.
Eons of thirst quenched..
I gulp your Essence
 unLady Like
Unafraid to be Desperate

A Mother protects her young fiercely
without abandon.
This Life you impregnate within Me
holds no bounds.
Twitter pattered

I lay my head at your feet.
This spiritual life I bear..
is Yours.
For your purpose.
I birth what you bring Me to offer this planet.
Only in your Love
Your Grace.
The honor is mine to witness your Omnipresence within Me.
I await the precious
labor pains of the Birth of My Vernal Goddess.
Thank you for annointing me ready.
May I live in your constant purpose, order, alignment.
Oceans of Love.

The feeling was foreign.
I pushed it outside of mySelf because it has only been recently,
I feel Safe brimming over,
Juicy and Succulent, a little awkward in my new Skin.
or A lot awkward in my new Skin..
but not for awkwardness sakes..
for the Chance at Exploring
what it feels like to be fully Real.
And what that means to me...
Embodying Me.


Sunday, March 16, 2014

FREE TO BE ME. Soul Answers Within

You know best.. 
You really really Do. 

If you know me, you know what kind of work I do... I bear witness to the Soul. 
I am so blessed to do this work because it brings up the mirrors to all my life issues awaiting my tender touch. 
As I gently sort through the dross of what keeps us from ourSelf.. 
I see we are all this kind of treasure trove...of magik

When looking for answers, the first step is always Radical Self Honesty.
My favorite step. 
There is no getting anywhere without it. 
I sense this is where having a good guide comes in handy. 
I see so often we doubt our Soul Voice
Yet a good guide only gets you to the answers which were already there. 
Always there. 
A good guide brings you closer to this Voice. 
Your Soul Speaks. 

So when we think about what we most wish to know... 
 Inquire within...
Guidance is a wonderful tool... 
The best Guidance,
 brings us closer to ourSelves.. 

You matter. 
Your Voice. 
Your Answer. 

Your Voice matters. 
YouR Wisdom Speaks. 
It speaks just like a Voice within. 
You might Hear it.
You might Feel it. 
You might Know it.

We all Experience it different Ways... 

Every time you get tempted to say "but!".. 
You are worthy to receive this part of yourSelf. 
No one will Advocate your Best Interests as You.. 
Once you find this Voice. 
You are enough. Yes, you can have Help to Listen. 
But Ultimately, only you know Best. 

Your Soul dialogues with you Constantly. 
Give it a listen. 
What does it say?
Do you Trust what you Hear?

Gut instinct is our oldest friend. 
It lies beyond, what we want, wish for, dread. 
It simply IS. 

When I ask people certain questions... 
..about their body, their troubles, their pain, their issues, their thoughts, their almost anything. 
Do you know what answer more than any other is the answer I receive back?

You most surely do know. 
And after a few " I don't knows"
I usually hear...
"Well, what I am getting-- it-- it-- it sounds crazy!"
And I say... "We have arrived!"
Then of course the wild ride begins. 
It is always fabulous. 
Incredibly intense. 
Worth every bump, swerve, hill and valley we experience. 
It is the..
Story of You. 
You hold a story. 
No story will ever be as interesting, gripping and freeing as your Unique Journey.
Find your Voice. 
Ask yourSelf about Every Thing. 
Be Honest. 
Completely Honest. 
As soon as you start skirting around the Truth, Enhancing Details, Conveniently Deleting Details, 
Trouble Begins. 
If you keep it Simple. 
You will find yours Answers have always been...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Loving Wombmen...

I love this month... I love what is happening in the Cosmos to support our growth... I love LOVE. I love the community of wombmen the little tribe that surrounds me is collectively evolving into... I love the Essence of HER and HIM.. within Me. 

I know we all get tired sometimes... Lost, afraid... Afraid of admitting our process... Afraid of sharing our vulnerability in fear of being exposed for our human-ness... Thing is- We didn't come here to be perfect. We came here to unravel. Unraveling is a most sacred event.. It is a gift to experience our own unraveling. We sort of miss the point when we assess another's process, trying to carefully place ourSelves above them simply because they have opened up their vulnerability to share with us their unique way of dealing with their path and process. 

The way of the bliss God-dess is not through judgement... of ourSelf or Others... By pointing out what must be done or not done by what another is experiencing... Thing is, we know what is right within us... If our internal compass is calibrated, it tells exactly what we came here to See within... It is so easy to go outside ourSelf for validation-- whether we are looking for someone to tell us we are okay or to measure our own process against another's experience. 

A wombman's vulnerability is sacred. When she reveals it, you are experiencing a blessed moment in time where something really fantastic happens. We bear witness to embracing the return of Lilith to the Garden. Not because she wishes to lie under Adam and comply. But because in her leaving, she has created a polarity to unearth all that is not equal in the whirrrled. She gives us contrast. She left. She didn't get cast out like Eve. She simply Left. And there in lies Genesis as the Christian world knows it. Eve, she got cast out for disobeying God.  But Lilith before had freewill--the freewill I believe we are all given in this plane and dimension.. She Left. She openly realized she was not invited to sit alongside her King. She was ordered to lie beneath Adam. And so we have our Creation story mirroring the schism of the man and wombman. A perfectly imperfect vibration, as part of the 26,ooo yr cycle of patriarchal and matriarchal. We just experienced the turn of the great wheel towards matriarchy last Winter Solstice. So many people saw it as a potential end, when truly it was a beginning for the Wombman to hold space within herSelf to own her beautiful seat alongside her King as Queen in a Cosmos which is lusciously both in all other realms I see..except here in the polarized 3rd dimension. 

So is it that we bring the planet into the 5th dimension? I think not. I do not sense we collectively become unified in this plane. Does that mean something is wrong with Earth?  Well of course not. Does that mean we are not already unified? We are experiencing a hologram of contrast in this plane.  Earth is a school like any other realm your beautiful Soul will experience. It is the land of contrast.. shadow and light. A place where Father Sun and Mother Moon dance .. in the overt and the covert. 

Our great wheel has turned... It is time to invited Lilith back into the garden of our hearts.. the sanctuary of our womb. Yes, we all have a womb essence for we are all both, masculine and feminine. It is time to invite Her back and apologize that we ever saw her as anything less than equal. We need our Mother Goddess, we need our inner goddess, we need both, God-dess. 

I love wombmen for their ability to forgive themSelves for leaving the masculine essence until he is ready. I love the men for their growing awareness of how much the love and have missed their Queen. How they long to melt into Her as she equally has desired to be melted into... what they have been missing in having Her loving essence consume them. .. unravel them... create a safe haven where they can love fully again. 

When we love in parts and parcels... pieces of fragments.. we do not see the complete mirror of all that we are Soulfully. 

Let us not compare each other's brokenness... Let's look to only the Light within. Inside each of us in a pilot light burning. Why blow out another's to measure how good you are, when your goodness is being the mirror to the light that is reflected upon you. If you see the brokenness around you, it is your echo being returned. 

I love connection. I love soul connection. I love immersing myself in the the beauty of the love that is echoed into my Life. Sometimes I get Lost. Yes. But the greatest thing about being LOST is being FOUND... and how can you be FOUND if you don't get LOST? At least I sense that is the Big Secret of the Earth journey. We chose to forget. We chose to split from the Other. We chose to feel imcomplete so we could take the journey that the Tarot speaks of.. Be willing to be the Innocence of the Fool so you can bring yourSelf to Completion in the World card..all the in between is the journey. 

I see the Light of God-dess returning the Essence of that which is Me through You... 
Mahalo nui a loa... 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The GOOD you are Seeking Is Seeking You

The good I am seeking is seeking ME!

Really. Wow. It's true. 

I thought I had to go find it. I just have to be it, and all the love, connection, union.. is seeking me. I don't have to do anything, NOTHING. I can just be. 

I was massaging someone today, and I had this ahah moment. All my life, I thought I needed to "root" out what I needed, will it, seek it, find it, show up.. And in a moment of exhale, I realized what if I never searched, never tried to intuit what I needed to do to assess how I could find what it seemed my souls searches? And ..there is was... like ripe juicy fruit.. an answer "ali, what would your life be like if you never sought out what you felt you were looking for?" Ummmm... well, I would probably find it .. right.. right.. right here, right? And the answer bubbled up, "Yes". Oh my, I have been doing it all wrong. Darn! I have -- not knowing, not admitting to mySelf that I think I have staged a lot of things... (what is so great is .. I am listening to DREAM WEAVER as I write, how serendipitous) 

So.. hmmm .. what am I discovering here is that I do not need to reach. I will be reached, I will be embraced. The good is looking for me, it is going to fly me to the bright side of the moon and it's going to meet me on the other side. What a frickin' relief! What would my life have been like if I wasn't always looking for messages, interpreting things, all good things in their own right I suppose, except it for its hidden agenda to control getting taken care of! Oh my goodness this is great. 

My music is asking me to slow dance with it, Lady in Red, is swooning over me so I must go and marinate in my new realization... I have a date with Beauty. Goodnight, Ali my goddess... "nobody here, just you and me. I hardly know this beauty by my side, I will never forget the way you look tonight".

Dolphin Skin

Indeed we are in changing times. Today when I read the morning astrology from my favorite astrologist, I could not help but feel understood. This is collective astrology in this quote, but it shows our boats are turning over, we are dumping the outmoded into the collective SEA of consciousness. Right now so much of the planetary influences are ruled by water. We are jumping into a oceanic intuitive unconscious, less than obvious, trusting that we can no longer do things as they have been done. We need the feminine. We need the unknown feeling waters of trusting our primordial womb wisdom, and yes, I do mean men too.. We all have a primordial womb.  It is time to enter the gateway of this sacred sanctuary within our Great Heart of Oneness and explore.. 
(yes, this dolphin was swimming ahead of me, and I was able to capture the beautiful cresting in the water, so blessed-- I love my watery life)
Here is the excerpt~
"Sealskin. Soulskin. Snakeskin.
Deep feelings,almost beyond words as Luna in Scorpio enters her wisdom phase at the Last Quarter.Don't look for clarity or understanding-that will have to wait until the New Moon In Aquarius on the 10th.Instead,enjoy the subtle magic of Venus/Neptune brings conjuring up intimacy in a sort of spiritual knowing:the realisation of your increasing power of co-creation since October 2012 when Saturn entered Scorpio.Amplifying the Piscean depths,Sedna the Inuit Goddess of the Waters stations exactly conjunct the South Node of the Moon at 22 Taurus.As the archetype of being alone, the outsider rejected by her tribe ,forever searching for her sealskin/soulskin to return to dry land (from the unconscious to the conscious),her conjunction with the South Node of self sabotage and paths wrongly chosen on Caput Algol is the clearest sign yet that this is a turning point of huge importance.
As we transition from the soaring heights of the Water Dragon Year to meet the rising kundalini of the Water Snake,we'll learn express the life force instead of repressing it.Snakes live on the margins,possessing great power,able to shed their old skins.The way forward is to live free and unfettered allowing no one to define us."

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Inner Wise Self....

My inner wise Self has a message for me that I must uncover.. I have no idea what it is.. let's see Ali where You can take You tonight... A dialogue with My Essential Self. 

So You are getting ready to teach this Ho'oponopono retreat.. basically on radical Self Honesty and Alignment. What does that mean to You?

"Well... I think it means that I have never allowed mySelf to fully show up for Me. I have spent a lot of time not fully being Me because my family rejected me on a core level to simply be MySelf. As it stands, in some major ways this is changing. First, I am seeing a lot more love from a family I have been misunderstood by for not sharing their religious beliefs.. and I am no longer involved with some family that has demonized me by simply not aligning with their set of religious dogma. I thought this would be just terrible after all, I had squished mySelf into a familial box-- the ones I thought would most reject me, actually most affirmed me, the ones I thought would most support me, went in a completely opposite polarized position. What did this do? It taught teaching me how liberating it is to really show up and be me. If someone doesn't wish to love me anymore because I am who I am...  I am finding a tremendous amount of freedom in releasing myself from those confines. Also, what is amazing, those who I love so dearly who see the harm in what has been done in such separating behavior are co creating with me a whole new paradigm in how we can thrive and co-exist in our sameness and differences. I am getting more real with Me. It had to do with this initial severance of contact with some people I really love, but it turned into claiming mySelf as never before. So even if I never connect with the part of my family again. I feel peace. I feel clear, I feel liberated. I find I don't really wish to be involved with people who have trouble with people who don't believe as they do. I am finding other people's fear was a mirror reflection of my own lack of self worth. I have had a lot of closure in relationships in the past 3mos. It is amazing how astrology can highlight where we are at emotionally, spiritually, psychologically. I read the other day, that I was coming to a time where I would just be DONE with what is outmoded in my relationships. It caused me great fear at first. I was afraid to let go of these wonderful connected relationships I thought I had...At first, I had met some pretty heavy betrayal, then I realized, these schisms are my gifts. These mirrors these souls brought me are helping me to create the value that I have reached with my Essential Self, the kundalini energy that has run through me since I was a child, but there was a disconnect. My Essential Self and my local self had/have trouble intersecting. I feel it flow through me like a river of passion and purpose, only to find in my everyday life, when I need to integrate the two, I carry it for a bit and then lose it. This loss feels like abandonment, or even rejection. Then I feel like my outer experience aligns to rejection in my outer world, even if the world around me clammered after me as their guru, I would find a way to seek separation and rejection from it. I would get high from the kundalini and then sort of crash, high low, high low, high low. These highs and lows became my normalcy. Up and Down constantly, with a smile on the outside. I was looking to be let down. Amazingly, I am so loved, but I would find that person, experience,..whatever to abandon me.  So my family has been a good mirror."

Ok, I have no idea what I just wrote there, but I am not going to reread. Let's go deeper. So in a nutshell, you have some big shifts going on right now.  How is that working for you?

"I am trying to dig deeper into my own facade. I am asking myself what is REAL. I am really asking the Universe to show me the people and circumstances that wish to support me and my journey. My chart explained how thinly I stretch myself out to care for the needs of others. I can see, it is a distraction from myself. I have not allowed myself to rely on people save a very few. Seems some of those that I have relied on are dissolving, making it clear that being supported by them is a dead end. And others are appearing. It is really quite lovely actually. I applaud those that can not show up and are straight about it and I am ecstatic how the Universe aligns support within our own structure, also, bringing in new opportunities to ask for help and receive. Tonight was a weary night. I was exhausted. I am not very good at saying YES to offers. My best friend is also my biz partner, I walked home late, dark wet night, as I got into the house, I thanked her for standing by my side through our rather challenging day. Expecting fully to go to bath and bed. She asked me to dinner, every part of me wanted to say NO Thank You. Instead I saw the opportunity for support, that I would have usually turned down and obliged. I had the best dinner with her. An old friend, who is 85 cooked us a meal, I even drank wine which tasted amazing. We were spent, I walked home musing my YES to life, my YES to my needs being met, to someone reaching out for me. I had grown uncomfortable with support. It made me feel vulnerable. A wave of support has come into my life in some huge ways as far as wombmen gifting me in assistance to my upcoming retreat. But tonight was as gentle caressing Yes, let me feed you--just that, a meal, conversation and I didn't even do a dish, which I know sounds naughty but I was not allowed and I let myself receive. So tonight, I felt my higher Self checking in with me on these changes. And I know my ramble is for me alone, no one will probably ever read these words.. but I have hidden from my words.. so much so I lost my ability to let that higher voice speak to me. Although you are not pouring through me as in years past, I can feel your trickle and I want you to know... I am here. I feel you run through my body. I feel you tell me who I am. I remember what you have told me I already am. Somehow I lost the joujou for a little bit. I can feel it, I can feel the sensuality seeping through as it has in the past, but I want to break the damn... ask the beavers to build somewhere else for now.. and just let the river flow to the ocean of ME, my great I AM.  So I am going to just come when I am called. Maybe I will write nonsense, maybe I will just sort out old outmoded local self things, maybe I will let my sensuality flow freely... Deeply underneath the mask of Alison is a wombman who became unsafe to be who she really is. So who is She? Well, I know she is kind and creative, I know this. But she let herself become the shape of the container someone told her she needed to fit into.. She believed it! Time to thaw out. In that thawed out state, will I spill out all over the place, will I lose all sense of boundary, will I merge into everything, lose where I end and other's begin, goodness I hope so. I must break free. I must become the watery self that I AM. So here goes....