Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's Never Too Late...Communicate (with LOVE)

Your VOICE matters!
How do we create situations that produce spiritually aligned outcomes?

Your voice matters, your intention matters, your alignment with the focus to the highest possible outcome in any given situation matters. With focus on these three things, you can heal your life, you can heal your partnerships, your family, and bring peace to your life beyond your wildest imaginings. I would say, not necessarily in that order, but with all those ingredients... the outcomes that have created resistance or failure for  you will begin to turn tail and shift in a way that makes you smile. 

Suffer not feeling your voice is inadequate. When you change your focus and place it upon the highest possible good in any situation.. you begin to shift out of an ego-ic place of who is right or wrong... into a powerful aligned place of seeking understanding for each other's perspective.

You are a powerful creator of your reality. 

If you truly understand that nothing comes to you without you first creating it for yourSelf. You begin from a place of self-honesty. You can not begin a path to peace without first aligning yourself as truly accountable for the situations that are mirroring back to  you some sort of feeling or belief system within you that created it in the first place.

This perspective may not rest peacefully with people who are convinced they are victims. People who are invested their "victimhood" may feel resentful at the notion suggesting we somehow create our reality. From that place often ignites a story of how the world has done us wrong. Unfortunately, from that stance, it is impossible to shift. For those of you reading from that perspective of hurt, I invite you to bear with me... as I take your hand and invite you to perhaps see your circumstances from a fresh have nothing to loose but your pain. (smiles)

Energy is neutral until we "charge" it with an emotion. 

Knowing this.. any situation can be turned around simply because we take personal responsibility for the direction it will take. 

One of the first questions I get as soon as this strong statement is made is.... "What about children dying of starvation, what did they do to mirror such atrocity? Or people in countries riddled with war? What about people who are victims simply because of their station in life? Is it fair to hold them accountable ?"

We can not ask questions for why other people are accountable for the mirrors or reflections that create their reality. We know not what they feel or why they have attracted their circumstances. Which indeed may have been powerful co-creations they have attracted because of their greatness, and sheer power to hold themselves in light despite dire circumstances. There are those who would suffer in abundance and those that would thrive in poverty. No one can speak for another's energy creation but they themself and Creator. So we focus then on our part. What we are personally creating in our own personal reality? Your life's reality... what shows up in your life.. is your responsibility. If you perceive or realize other people's hardships, it is within  your realm of possibility to imagine why their discontent is showing up as a mirror in your life.... Do what you can in a self responsible way to help assuage their circumstances. By placing your focus on the mirrors that are creating experiences in your life, you will begin a process of unraveling why certain patterns have cycled throughout your life. You will begin to step back from reaction into a place of action, for if you can not change another, you can certainly change yourself! (and your responses to the triggers that keep your communication from giving you the results which bring you peace)

Going deeper into helping to change the world's circumstances will be addressed in a future writing. Which at it's root has the very same premise, which is focusing on your personal accountability. 

When you are truly self-honest. You position yourself to realize that like energy attracts like energy. So indeed, perhaps one plays the role of perpetrator and one victim, or it may be a blend of reactive personality traits, or one passive, one dominator... all manner of combinations occur. None of which matter because if  you take your focus off "what happened to you".. and instead, place your focus on what energy you are holding as a perfect match for your unrest. You take the first step in owning what part your energy is reflecting into the situation. In order to receive the results you aspire to, you must first remove all the blocks within yourself which keep the very outcome you desire from manifesting. 

Using the art of Ho'oponopono, the art of self forgiveness comes to us from the Hawaiian culture,  is an excellent way of practicing the art of self-honesty and self-forgiveness. Using this basic prayer/mantra,  you are asking the Creator to remove from you what you may or may not even know that is residing in your energy field to create the schism you are receiving from the other person. If there is no perceived schism, by using this mantra, you align the communication to the highest possible communication to take place even before it begins. 

Ho'0ponopono Prayer~ Self Forgiveness Ritual 

Giver Of Life (breath in and out)

I'm Sorry (breath in and out)

Please forgive me (breath in and out)  You are apologizing to Creator, not to the person who your are interacting with for that person could be anyone who carries a contrast or similar vibration.

I love you (breath in and out)  Of course you can say it to the other person, but you are proclaiming your Love for Creator, being the healer of ALL

Thank you (breath in and out) 

Using this ritual is a powerful aligning process to that sets into motion a commitment of intention that you are first aligned to Creator in your communication. 

Once you have aligned in this way, your focus becomes more personal on the part you have played, even if it was simply a belief. And some of our beliefs are tricky for it is easy to feel victimhood if we don't realize that maybe our belief is that we are victims so we attract people or situations that make us look or feel victimized. In recognizing these types of patterns cycling through our life we can see why we may have a certain re-occurring pattern with an individual that perhaps someone else dealing with that exact same person never has... We take the emphasis off right or wrong and place it on... What in me is creating this pattern to keep receiving this  sort of response from this person, or these types of situations? In this way, we can begin to unravel our own tangled yarn, not looking so much at why we are angry or upset... but rather how we wish to feel. 

When you can set a tone for how  you wish to feel.... You begin a process of using that honesty to create your voice because you are no longer coming from a perspective of pointing the finger at the other. You begin to take personal inventory on what you both need to achieve understanding which changes the energy to a more collaborative place. It shifts the energy away from blame and into partnership. When blame is removed, speaking your truth is more easily facilitated. Your stance changes from one of defense to an intention of healing. It is always easier to speak from love than from hurt. 

Become as self honest as you can. If you are blocked from aligning yourself in this way, using the ho'oponopono prayer is quite miraculous in asking Creator to remove from you that which you know not how to remove. Align to the highest intention for communication by making this your top priority. When this is settled within you, your voice will flow from you with more confidence because you have first aligned yourSelf to peace.... 

"Make me a Channel of Your Peace" ` St Francis of Assisi

Peace Be With You... 
Oceans of Love~ Ali


  1. Can you not see the danger in this world view? This basically blames people for the suffering that befalls them. If they can only get to a place where they attract positive people, events, etc then their troubles are over! This denies the truth of fallen human nature and evil in the world. And encourages those who "can't get to that place" to despair when bad things happen to them. Jesus Christ, second person of the Holy Trinity, endured suffering and therefore understands our suffering and redeems it. Yes, there are consequences for our sinful choies, but there is forgiveness for them and comfort in sorrow with Him. May God bless you with true grace of soul and inner peace.

  2. You insights are much appreciated. After much struggle, I have sought forgiveness for myself, and for the one I attracted to move beyond fear and victimhood to a loving alignment. Once we heal ourselves with self love, we then feel a shift within ouselves to our higher selves. I feel deep gratitude and appreciation for this blessing. Much love and blessings to you in your life...


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