Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Falling Slowly

.....Falling Slowly into Change. What a beautiful day to start anew, the first day after the Winter Solstice.
Yes....Yesterday was the Solstice..marks my New Year. I love how it builds now starting from the shortest day in the year progressing toward the Summer Solstice longest.... everything builds from this place... And its perfect really, perfect because so much inside me is in a state of flux. ...The thing is...flux has become a nice word to me these days. See, we are all in change these days..and the sooner we realize it, the sooner we can embrace it as a good thing.. the extraordinarly great opportunity lies within its hopeful offerings.

The very essence of not knowing used to flutter me up inside. Issues of control, are sloughing slowly, falling away. It feels good to shed.