Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Loving Wombmen...

I love this month... I love what is happening in the Cosmos to support our growth... I love LOVE. I love the community of wombmen the little tribe that surrounds me is collectively evolving into... I love the Essence of HER and HIM.. within Me. 

I know we all get tired sometimes... Lost, afraid... Afraid of admitting our process... Afraid of sharing our vulnerability in fear of being exposed for our human-ness... Thing is- We didn't come here to be perfect. We came here to unravel. Unraveling is a most sacred event.. It is a gift to experience our own unraveling. We sort of miss the point when we assess another's process, trying to carefully place ourSelves above them simply because they have opened up their vulnerability to share with us their unique way of dealing with their path and process. 

The way of the bliss God-dess is not through judgement... of ourSelf or Others... By pointing out what must be done or not done by what another is experiencing... Thing is, we know what is right within us... If our internal compass is calibrated, it tells exactly what we came here to See within... It is so easy to go outside ourSelf for validation-- whether we are looking for someone to tell us we are okay or to measure our own process against another's experience. 

A wombman's vulnerability is sacred. When she reveals it, you are experiencing a blessed moment in time where something really fantastic happens. We bear witness to embracing the return of Lilith to the Garden. Not because she wishes to lie under Adam and comply. But because in her leaving, she has created a polarity to unearth all that is not equal in the whirrrled. She gives us contrast. She left. She didn't get cast out like Eve. She simply Left. And there in lies Genesis as the Christian world knows it. Eve, she got cast out for disobeying God.  But Lilith before had freewill--the freewill I believe we are all given in this plane and dimension.. She Left. She openly realized she was not invited to sit alongside her King. She was ordered to lie beneath Adam. And so we have our Creation story mirroring the schism of the man and wombman. A perfectly imperfect vibration, as part of the 26,ooo yr cycle of patriarchal and matriarchal. We just experienced the turn of the great wheel towards matriarchy last Winter Solstice. So many people saw it as a potential end, when truly it was a beginning for the Wombman to hold space within herSelf to own her beautiful seat alongside her King as Queen in a Cosmos which is lusciously both in all other realms I see..except here in the polarized 3rd dimension. 

So is it that we bring the planet into the 5th dimension? I think not. I do not sense we collectively become unified in this plane. Does that mean something is wrong with Earth?  Well of course not. Does that mean we are not already unified? We are experiencing a hologram of contrast in this plane.  Earth is a school like any other realm your beautiful Soul will experience. It is the land of contrast.. shadow and light. A place where Father Sun and Mother Moon dance .. in the overt and the covert. 

Our great wheel has turned... It is time to invited Lilith back into the garden of our hearts.. the sanctuary of our womb. Yes, we all have a womb essence for we are all both, masculine and feminine. It is time to invite Her back and apologize that we ever saw her as anything less than equal. We need our Mother Goddess, we need our inner goddess, we need both, God-dess. 

I love wombmen for their ability to forgive themSelves for leaving the masculine essence until he is ready. I love the men for their growing awareness of how much the love and have missed their Queen. How they long to melt into Her as she equally has desired to be melted into... what they have been missing in having Her loving essence consume them. .. unravel them... create a safe haven where they can love fully again. 

When we love in parts and parcels... pieces of fragments.. we do not see the complete mirror of all that we are Soulfully. 

Let us not compare each other's brokenness... Let's look to only the Light within. Inside each of us in a pilot light burning. Why blow out another's to measure how good you are, when your goodness is being the mirror to the light that is reflected upon you. If you see the brokenness around you, it is your echo being returned. 

I love connection. I love soul connection. I love immersing myself in the the beauty of the love that is echoed into my Life. Sometimes I get Lost. Yes. But the greatest thing about being LOST is being FOUND... and how can you be FOUND if you don't get LOST? At least I sense that is the Big Secret of the Earth journey. We chose to forget. We chose to split from the Other. We chose to feel imcomplete so we could take the journey that the Tarot speaks of.. Be willing to be the Innocence of the Fool so you can bring yourSelf to Completion in the World card..all the in between is the journey. 

I see the Light of God-dess returning the Essence of that which is Me through You... 
Mahalo nui a loa... 

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