Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Our Reaction...

 Our reaction to a situation literally gives us the power to change the situation itself… Have you ever heard that one? 
 I do believe in Ho'oponopono. The situation may not change, we change.

Which means we may experience people behaving in bizarre ways. Doing things that don't make sense or seem sane. People's insecurities,  hatreds, unhealed parts can be downright evil. We have all experienced the bullies who  act like they are completely innocent when they know they have agendas that make you wonder if they are mentally ill. Truth is some people are so spiritually ill they cannot behave better than they do. You don't have to keep those people in your life, sometimes they are attached to people you love. 
Sometimes they never were in your life, you experienced them through another, and it left you with that unfortunate energetic residue as a result of  them prying themselves into your atmosphere uninvited. 
 And it's okay, probably important even,  to recognize that those people that you love have made a choice to follow what makes them ill instead of what makes them whole.
Accept what your are being offered. And allow it to be. When you allow the bizarre behavior and circumstances to just be what they are eventually the tree bears it's fruit. No one can hide the true fruit of that which they are.

It takes the power out of the hands of those who pretend to offer peace and goodwill with ulterior motives. It doesn't matter if people weren't sincere as long as you are. It hurts when people are not who they show them self to be, but isn't that sort of a "thank you for the warning"?
 I think it is. People want to be better then they feel inside they are....and they're not often times spiritually aligned  to be able to achieve that goal. 

And I wonder sometimes if it is even a goal of theirs to really offer something truly good or if their agendas are so steeped with personal motives that they lose perspective on what can be the highest good for all involved. Some people's need to be loved runs so deep that they'll sacrifice the things they hold the dear in order to obtain security and guarantees, common ground, recognition, shared shattered selves. 
This can be hurtful to observe. It can be painful to be on the other end of this kind of behavior. It can be confusing to be on the other end of this kind of interaction.
 But what can you do?
 There is nothing that you can do.
 And I don't say that to sound hopeless.
I write it because there is so much more for you than hanging on to someones inconsistent and irrational behavior.
There is acceptance. Plain and Simple. Not very glittery, but true. 

 Often times to escape responsibility for their actions, people like this find a way to exit involvement with you because they cannot face themselves. 
They fused themselves to other broken people who have matched their past hurt.
 In some kind of wild abandon attempt to dig deep into their history they long for the very kind of hurt and connection they recognize from their unhappy past.
 They cannot recognize the goodness that you offer because they're seeking  approval for their brokenness from the broken. 
And that is all that is real for them.
 There is no way to mend this for them. 
They have to learn these lessons through their own mirrors.
 Unfortunately the endings of their attempts to revisit unhealthy relationships doesn't end in anything good.
 The only way to participate in a healthy way with their decision is to step away when you no longer can bring anything they recognize as good. 
Unfortunately this unstable behavior creates future karma. 
It may show up in your future, but you will not be fused to them as they may be to you.  They will be snagged, not you, seeking from you what they were not able to mend. Cross that bridge when it comes and pray for Grace.

 Be in peace with the fact that they are unwilling and unable to create a healing vibration between you. The only way to set yourself free, is to accept that some people do not behave in a very nice ways sometimes. And that is just that. No part of the goodness in your soul wants to be in partnership with this kind of behavior. And yet so often times in soul connections we hold space for people when it's long overdue to let go. It's important to know you deserve so much more.
I think we need to find a way to say thank you (and goodbye) inside ourselves to the people who truly can't be of benefit to you/us on our deepest levels. You deserve that. Everyone deserves to have experiences that reflect respect and honorable exchange of energy. 
Some are never going to be able to offer you that and it's okay to accept  it and it's necessary to move on. 
They weren't ever going to be able to do that for you. And life is going to bring the perfect situations to show you what you are inside and when people can't mirror that to you in the highest… the truth is, they have to leave.

Your soul doesn't want what they have to offer if it doesn't come in the way from them that seeks to align to the best part of you.
 Sometimes when people behave and bizarre ways, it sends us a message to look inside and own your right to Just Say NO!
 How much do you want things to be deeply right within your relationships.
 What does that mean? 
It means you never settle for dishonest interactions. You never settle for energetic connection simply because you thought you believed in the power of your connection to another person. It doesn't matter what form the relationship takes. It may not be love, it may be friendship. What matters, the integrity of the interaction. We need to be deeply honest with ourselves, what kind of qualities are we seeking? Hopefully the answer to this is not a heap of negative karma. 

Let go of the Eddie Haskels, the Bullies, the Tricksters, and Dragon ladies, the Egomaniacs and the Self Absorbed, the Finger Pointers and the Self Righteous meanies...
There is a lot of bad juju in the polarized world. Learn the art of taking your ball and going home when people refuse to be nice.
 It's ok.