Monday, March 24, 2014

Juicy Succulent Spring and Me

Vernal Goddess Ali
Pregnant with Grace
Bursting Juiciness

I can't help it..
Change is in the Air.
I feel it in my body.
I feel pregnant with New Life.
There is not child in my womb.
This is a Spiritual embryo in which I speak.
I have always all ways felt pregnant with New Life.
I never knew how to allow this sweetness to consume me.
I just rejected this feeling of fullness in the Past.
It overwhelmed me.
I pushed it out
inhaling it In...
I found the intense draw toward Embodiment

When you live outside yourSelf.
You live a Half Life.
It's no one's fault.
It just is.
It has been a life of just living right outside that feeling of
 fully connecting.
I had this issue with being pregnant because I associate pregnancy with harm and loss.
I remember loosing my children in childbirth.
I remember my children losing Me.
I remember so much pain and death associated
with this sacred union of Motherhood.
Presently, I am at Peace.
I will live many Moons again
Pregnant with Life.

My past so full of persecution.
I choose to experience the light and shadow fully.
How can you know this plane and not experience its extremes?
I feel no regret in this bold acceptance of the mission I feel I agreed to know experience that creates a sense of separation from Self and Source.
I am rich for courage of this chosen path.
And I am climbing up out of the abyss of all its implications.
My great wheel has turned.
The wheel of destiny where one decides love is the answer.
Love is the SOULution.

So I ask Divine Alignment to reorder Me.
I surrender to its molding.
I gladly embrace being shaped.
I know nothing I am or am becoming is anything less than what only divine order can gift me.

So I say
Source Shape Me
Mold Me
Wrap your life giving arms around me.
Lift me
Breath Me
Place Me
Surround Me
Ground Me
Design Me
Give Me Life
My body is bursting
I am ready.
I drink you.
Eons of thirst quenched..
I gulp your Essence
 unLady Like
Unafraid to be Desperate

A Mother protects her young fiercely
without abandon.
This Life you impregnate within Me
holds no bounds.
Twitter pattered

I lay my head at your feet.
This spiritual life I bear..
is Yours.
For your purpose.
I birth what you bring Me to offer this planet.
Only in your Love
Your Grace.
The honor is mine to witness your Omnipresence within Me.
I await the precious
labor pains of the Birth of My Vernal Goddess.
Thank you for annointing me ready.
May I live in your constant purpose, order, alignment.
Oceans of Love.

The feeling was foreign.
I pushed it outside of mySelf because it has only been recently,
I feel Safe brimming over,
Juicy and Succulent, a little awkward in my new Skin.
or A lot awkward in my new Skin..
but not for awkwardness sakes..
for the Chance at Exploring
what it feels like to be fully Real.
And what that means to me...
Embodying Me.


Sunday, March 16, 2014

FREE TO BE ME. Soul Answers Within

You know best.. 
You really really Do. 

If you know me, you know what kind of work I do... I bear witness to the Soul. 
I am so blessed to do this work because it brings up the mirrors to all my life issues awaiting my tender touch. 
As I gently sort through the dross of what keeps us from ourSelf.. 
I see we are all this kind of treasure trove...of magik

When looking for answers, the first step is always Radical Self Honesty.
My favorite step. 
There is no getting anywhere without it. 
I sense this is where having a good guide comes in handy. 
I see so often we doubt our Soul Voice
Yet a good guide only gets you to the answers which were already there. 
Always there. 
A good guide brings you closer to this Voice. 
Your Soul Speaks. 

So when we think about what we most wish to know... 
 Inquire within...
Guidance is a wonderful tool... 
The best Guidance,
 brings us closer to ourSelves.. 

You matter. 
Your Voice. 
Your Answer. 

Your Voice matters. 
YouR Wisdom Speaks. 
It speaks just like a Voice within. 
You might Hear it.
You might Feel it. 
You might Know it.

We all Experience it different Ways... 

Every time you get tempted to say "but!".. 
You are worthy to receive this part of yourSelf. 
No one will Advocate your Best Interests as You.. 
Once you find this Voice. 
You are enough. Yes, you can have Help to Listen. 
But Ultimately, only you know Best. 

Your Soul dialogues with you Constantly. 
Give it a listen. 
What does it say?
Do you Trust what you Hear?

Gut instinct is our oldest friend. 
It lies beyond, what we want, wish for, dread. 
It simply IS. 

When I ask people certain questions... 
..about their body, their troubles, their pain, their issues, their thoughts, their almost anything. 
Do you know what answer more than any other is the answer I receive back?

You most surely do know. 
And after a few " I don't knows"
I usually hear...
"Well, what I am getting-- it-- it-- it sounds crazy!"
And I say... "We have arrived!"
Then of course the wild ride begins. 
It is always fabulous. 
Incredibly intense. 
Worth every bump, swerve, hill and valley we experience. 
It is the..
Story of You. 
You hold a story. 
No story will ever be as interesting, gripping and freeing as your Unique Journey.
Find your Voice. 
Ask yourSelf about Every Thing. 
Be Honest. 
Completely Honest. 
As soon as you start skirting around the Truth, Enhancing Details, Conveniently Deleting Details, 
Trouble Begins. 
If you keep it Simple. 
You will find yours Answers have always been...