Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Awakening the Sleeping Giant.. within

Within you lies the most powerful being sleeping under all the layers of experience that makes you, YOU. For centuries, like a sleeping beauty, your true nature's history/her-story gently awaited a precious time when all the layers of the time-continium melt together in an integrated place.. where your hurts, your joys, and all that is you join together in one big burst of energy. Your "spiritual alarm clock" goes of to re-awaken the Divine Self within.

Perhaps not everyone on the planet is exactly in this place that you are, but you ARE. How do I know this? I know because you found this writing. This was written for you to read, for you to find...You know who you are, and those not intended for its discovery will not be drawn to read...This writing is waiting for all the sleeping GIANTS.. yes, giant. You are a spiritual giant...an extra-ordinary loving being who came to anchor love on our planet at a time as the world shifts into a vibration that is so ready and in need to the powerful energy you bring. You hold and anchor in Great LOVE.. so that we can move into these changes collectively..

Many moons ago, you made a contract spiritually to wake up when the world was ready for you to remember the LOVE that you are. The most riddling part of this agreement is that most people who made this agreement forgot they made it.... For many, eons, centuries, decades have passed feeling fractured inside but not knowing how to repair the pieces.. feeling lonely for love, desire to feel empowered but feeling as if an important piece of the solution was just out of grasp.

I realized my life path and reason for sharing my intuitive gifts is recognizing these sleeping compassionate Spiritual giants..and helping them to remember who YOU are, who for so long have anchored a silent peace on our planet... waiting the Great Remembering. These powerful people are usually the ones who have contented in allowing, supporting, strengthening other people's journey instead of focusing on forwarding themSelves...compassionately holding space. And while all this support was perfect for its time.. NOW is your time.. this is your time to find the mighty and magnificent Soul Fire that burns within you... Intuitive are you.. perhaps in a quiet way.. but your inner compass is yearning to have its voice once again returned to itSelf... The time has arrived for your heart to again be your guide. It is your time to say "Thank You" to your mind.. who has thought its way through the ways of the world, analyzed your outcomes, forging pathways, finding solutions built on sound reason. Time is now, to find a proper place for this well organized machine, your Mind, re-arranging priorities so you can place intellect back into its aligned place, which is in your tool box and not at the helm of your ship.

Everything you need to know is not contained within this first message, for this is merely a soft and loving wake up call.. an inner calling of sorts but in written form to say.. "I SEE YOU" .. and the time is now.. take my hand when you are ready.. I am here.. in spirit, in body and in heart.. so much loving heart...

My love to you, Sleeping Gentle Giants, spiritual masters remembering your gifts, your empowerment, your Self Love, and most importantly, the divine Grace ever-flowing with in your Magnificent Hearts...

Your Soul Fire burns in an Eternal Flame~

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