Sunday, October 3, 2010

Molten Grace

Shrouded are we in layers of experience... veils upon veils... layer upon layers ever so delicately that they have long become so intricately entwined with our ego-ic Self we know not they exist... only that we have become so accustomed to their presence that the god or goddess Self is but a dim memory.
Today in teaching my indoor cycling class I realized that when we reach deep in physical motion... and I mean really deep, something that pushes us to our very limit.. these layers become molten.. When glass is heated, it transforms into the most lovely liquid light. Only to harden again in its fixed form. When we exert our bodies to an extreme, layers peel within us.
At first, it is simply exhausting, but as the physical self integrates the demands being placed upon it.. a resolve sets in. The body gives into the task at hand, and for a time, spiritually it becomes MOLTEN.
I have felt anger and hurt arise in my body when I reach so deep into myself through physical exercise that I feel as if I am melting. In teaching class, especially indoor cycling, I can feel my hardened Self shift as these layers melt away revealing feelings long stored. I see these same changes happen in my students... Often I say, "you are melting" ..and yes, I mean melting fat or melting toxins through sweat.. but I explain that its so much more than this--as I feel frustration build in their bodies or facial expressions...
You see... anger, hurt, frustration, anxiety, low-self esteem are all very real emotions that seem to surface in a simple indoor cycling class. Sometimes I will smile at a student because intuitively I can feel them cussing at me. And later when I ask them, they will affirm that indeed four letter words were running rampant through their head... I smile as I write, yes, at me.. but how great is this? How wonderful that 15minutes of intense exercise can conjure up layers of emotion not easily reached from such a neutral environment.
It is in this place, I discovered how transformative intense physical exertion is for reaching layers of emotion in us that we may not even consciously know are there.
I call this Molten Grace. Where I heat up my body with intense exercise or breath work so extreme, it pushes me through layers of emotional bondage. What lay beneath? GRACE. The most sensual, self assured feminine essence who knows exactly, intimately the powerful being she is...
I question mySelf.. what else is there to pursue except Grace? For in this grace, our Soul love flows through...

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