Thursday, March 31, 2011

Divine Kiss, Wake up Sleeping Beauty

We all want to know our Divinity... It's true... I say it boldly because knowing this is our key to Self Love. We can not hold a state of Grace and not seek our Divinity, our unique and precious union with the All. We may not use those words or say it in this way because quite frankly-- talking about knowing our Divinity is quite often see as a heresy of sorts....

How did we get this so twisted, I wonder?... That our inner quest to know this vast Self that we are became tainted with misunderstanding and fears that is it ungodly to pursue?-- Fears so great, we no longer even allowed our thoughts, hearts and souls to wander into the wonder of our Larger Self.

And how is it that it is so collectively acceptable to ignore taking a curious peek into what it truly means to be part and parcel with this Omnipresent Infinite Force? How is it that we got so far away, from the very thing each of us needs most?

It is not a heresy to seek to know, awaken and remember you are a cell in the body of this Infinite force..and since you are created in IT's image... you are a reflection of IT's perfection... How is it we got so far away from understanding and embracing the LOVE that we are, when this is our birthright?

Sisters and Brothers.. it is time to Know ThySelf. It doesn't matter how long it has taken, or will take to fully remember this... it only requires that you are willing to see your perception different than whatever has kept you away...

You are Infinite. You are a creative force beyond your wildest hopes and imaginings. Throughout the entirety of your body, energy that is the Breath of All Life, runs in channels, meridians, highways of Qi, with the electricity that rules the Cosmos. How can you be fueled with this finery and not be perfect?

It doesn't matter what has happened to convince you thus far of what you are Not. It matters only that you follow this inkling that you are more than you would ever hope for.. that you are treasured beyond value you would hope to place upon yourSelf, you are more, more, more, exquisitely, More....

If you are ready to remember, it is time to learn how to exhale this electricity through your essence in the knowingness of all the Infinite possibilities you partake in every time you take a inhalation... for in this conscious breath, you invite the Divine into your body~through your energy channels~ and charge this body, this heart, and this soul that you are with the soul fire that is your unique vibrational essence, this necessary essential part of the All, which is YOU. It is not that Source is not running through your body until you realize it..but when you awaken to the realization that this electricity is Pure Love, all of a sudden the awareness of the vibration catalyzes an awakening within you of all that you are. You are filled with the light energy which is neutral until it is recognized and magnetized with a direction.. It is your recognition of what it is that co-creates how it will be in your body, in your heart, in your experience. Equally, you have the opportunity to take it in the opposite direction into fear, pain body, anxiety, depression, etc... The Universe is neutral, it resonates with everything from shadow to light, to that which is the void and yet to be formed as well as what has already been created. When you invite the essence of LOVE to show you all that you are... this intelligent energy enters your body and creates more of itSelf.. when you allow your fears to drive the energy, it seeks the same- to create more of itSelf.

Tuning into your innate wisdom, a yearning of sorts to know the LOVE that you are, the LOVE you will create more of, if you give it life, intention and focus, the Divinity of your perfect Self will come forward and manifest itSelf in your Life as an expression of LOVE, happiness, peace and harmony.

There is no time line for this awakening. The Universe is patient. But your soul is hungry.. thirsty.. as you open yourSelf up to truly, authentically committing to fully embrace the very highest vibration of who you are on all levels, planes and dimensions.. the Universe responds by reflecting back to you what that might look like on the grandest of scales...The Kiss of the Divine Awakens, Wake up Sleeping Beauty....

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