Thursday, January 31, 2013

What does it mean to just Float. To Be. Effortless. 
Inside the realm of your connected Self lies the answer. 
"my dearest daughter, I write to you from the heart of Love. This is You in your eternal place of beingness that you reside. When you fear, come to me, feel my Essence blossom within You. Forever I have known you. Forever will You Be. You are a daughter of the Sun and Moon, light and dark, void and created. 
So you ask of you task in Knowing Me? And I turn to you and caress gently your face, my lovely beloved blossom, your task is to fill your Essence with the connected of Me. Where there is no without, only within. 
Seek to be widdled down to your Great Heart. Why do you fear my sweetness, what are you afraid to see? Do you not know you are Perfect. Forget not my loved seeks out all your channels and eddies. There is no stone unturned. There is no pebbled unpolished by my love. 
Let me take you with me again under the Sea. The realm where I am most revealed unto you. 
Feel the effortless floating beauty of nothingness. Feel the stillness as you are moved by the currents within. This is you, this is me, this is the wedding of the electricity of Father Sky, Mother Moon. The Great Vast Void spiraling towards the Great Central Sun.. Come float with me unto the stars, moons, planets.. Where there is no breath, just the breathing of All Creation. 
You remember the beginning, Yes. You remember the Great Turn of this World, and you have just experienced the Great Turn again. The veils have dropped and you are naked. 
You were afraid to be naked before Me so recently. Remember this shift. Grasp it and hold it close to your heart. For soon enough a new forgetting will occur. The forgetting of separation. 
Separation had it's purpose and was not without it's gift to You. 
So in the forgetting and the separation, now you feel the beginning of a new wave of Kundalini. 
This sensual charge is not so lonely as it was, grasp this. Own that you know this, so you can accept what it was you felt was apart from you. 
Feel the feeling rise through your core, at your root, at the gateway in your primordial womb, the bloodline from which you have come.. Seek you. 
Feel the security of the warmth of the ALL as a blanket of coziness. Now nuzzle into this comfort. You are the womb of the world and yet the WOMB of THE WORLD holds you.. how can this Be? It is one and the same. What is within you is without you. When you rise out of the Sea, feel the warm embracing air dry you off with the same love the wetness of the Sea engulfed you. You need both. You are a goddess of Land and Sea.. You need the shelter of the masculine Earth to support, and uplift you.. and you need the wetness of the oceanic Water to reveal what is yet to be seen, to ignite your intuition and your knowingness. Begin to visit me again, and again. You will see I never left you. You just needed sometime to allow Me to flow through the keyboard to you once more. I will not find you only in your bed, in trance and meditation. I am right here in the ether of your meditative travels offering you vision and wisdom, and right here as I was so many moons ago, offering you my Words, Your Words.. thank you for allowing me to remind you that I am right her to write through your hands in this blessed way. 
Infinite Love. "

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